Sunday, December 27, 2009

Decade's Last Sunday!!

4 days holidays before the next exam (on 30th) got everyone relaxed and it resulted in another one and half days being wasted. Don't know what goes through the mind of the people who set the exam dates. they are yet to realise its just the day before the exam that counts. Some went for a movie late on Boxing Day ( wow what a movie!! Everyone plz watch 3 idiots) while some prefered not to wander out in cold. Next day everyone were up by 9am (pretty early by our standards) and promptly got down to follows India's fortunes in their contest against Sri lanka. The match got abandoned (It happens only in India) and we spent  two more hours waiting for the match to resume. Even the cricketers were not that anxious!! Then another two hours went away discussing '3 idiots'. Evening came and went away before anyone could realise it this decade's last sunday ( m trying to make it sound Big) was over. And all those who are yet to start their preparation for the exams can take a cue from Aamir Khan and sing "All Izz Well".
